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Nutmeg's allure is intoxicating, and as is the case with almost all other uses of nutmeg, a little bit goes a long way.  Nutmeg is associated with good luck, so be sure to carry a nutmeg seed before getting involved in games of chances to swing the odds in your favor. Carry nutmeg as a charm and wrap it in purple cloth before dealing with legal matters to strengthen the likelihood that your legal situation will end favorably. Carry nutmeg while traveling for a little extra good luck. Nutmeg has strong divinatory properties, and when added to a beverage and consumed before meditation, can heighten the meditative experience and encourage visions and clairvoyance. Nutmeg oil can be used to draw money; use it to anoint green candles and magical tools to draw wealth to the household.  Nutmeg powder can be used to draw prosperity. Sprinkle it over candles and other objects or add it to candle wax and use when casting a money drawing spell.

Whole Nutmeg

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