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Ọya (Yorùbá: Ọya, also known as Oyá or Oiá; Yàńsàn-án or Yansã; and Iansá or Iansã in Latin America) is an orisha of winds, lightning, and violent storms, death and rebirth. She is similar to the Haitian Lwa, Maman Brigitte, who is syncretised with the Catholic Saint Brigit.

Oya is the powerful Yorùbá Orisha of the winds and tempests. She can manifest as winds ranging from the gentlest breeze to the raging hurricane or cyclone. Oya is known as a fierce warrior and strong protectress of women, who call on Her to settle disputes in their favor.

As the Orisha of change, she brings down the dead wood to make room for the new, and she uses her machete or sword to clear a path for new growth.

Oya is the Orisha of the Niger River, and Her violent rainstorms are said to be its source. Like Oshun. She is worshipped not only in Africa but in Brazil, where the Amazon is said to be Her river. Oya, an Orisha of a very fiery disposition. Oya's attributes are the sword or machete and the flywhisk. Her animal is the water buffalo, in Whom She sometimes manifests.

Kawo!!!! This handmade beaded ide is a good way to connect spiritually to the energies of Orisha Ṣàngó, also known as Changó or Xangô in Latin America; and as Jakuta or Badé. He is the son of Yemoja and is the Oba - a King. Magic, thunder and lightning characterized his reign as the fourth ruler of the kingdom of Oyo in Nigeria. It is believed that he can eat fire and has special dances that he performs. Sango comes down and strikes with his head and gives three rounds down to the drums. He is a very powerful, strong, a leader, and a warrior. Sango has numerous manifestations, including Airá, Agodo, Afonja, Lubé, and Obomin. He is known for his powerful axe.

His colors are red and white. Red is the color of energy, passion and action. It excites the emotions and motivates us to take action. It signifies a pioneering spirit and leadership qualities, promoting ambition and determination. It is also strong-willed and can give confidence to those who are shy or lacking in will power. White respresents a spiritual awakening, illumination, knowledge, light, rebirth and renewal, balance, and harmony.

When you wear this ide, you will feel the essence of the Great King, Kawo!!!! The energy of Oya and Sango together are powerhouse! feel the fire and transformation!!

As always, if you have any questions please feel free to ask. This product takes up to 2 weeks to complete. Please include weekends in the two weeks.

Thank you for shopping with us and we look forward to doing business with you!

Oya and Sango Ide

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