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You can't help but love this waist bead.  Energetically, the chakras represent vortexes of energy lying across seven different points on our spinal column. The seven chakras are connected to different glands and organs in the body and are responsible for uniform distribution of “Chi”.

  • 1. Root Chakra - Red - The Root Chakra defines our relation to Earth.  It impacts our vitality, passion and survival instincts. 
  • 2.  Sacral Chakra - Orange - The Svadhishthana chakra relates to the water element in the human body. The chakra color orange impacts sexuality, reproductive function, joy, desire and even creativity and compassion for others.
  • 3. The Solar Plexus Charkra - Yellow - The Solar Plexus Chakra is the personal power chakra that is responsible for one’s personal and professional success. The chakra color yellow of this energy vortex is associated with fire, energy and charge. This element of fire, when balanced and harmonious, allows one to feel more confident, cheerful and energetic, along with a right amount of respect for self and others.
  • 4.  Heart Chakra - Green - This chakra influences our relationships and is related to the element of air.
  • 5. The Throat Chakra - Blue - The Throat Chakra with its chakra color blue is associated with the ability to communicate and listen.  The ethereal element of the Throat Chakra, when balanced, allows an individual to have a pleasant voice, artistic abilities, expressive ways and also the ability to be in a higher place spiritually.
  • 6.  The Third Eye Chakra - Indigo - Those with a well-balanced Brow or Third Eye Chakra can have telepathic abilities, a charismatic personality and they often do not have any fear of death. The element of electricity or telepathy, along with the chakra color of indigo, are associated with our sense of Thought.

Chakra Waist bead

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